\name{readCelHeader} \alias{readCelHeader} \title{Parsing the header of an Affymetrix CEL file} \description{ Reads in the header of an Affymetrix CEL file using the Fusion SDK. } \usage{ readCelHeader(filename) } \arguments{ \item{filename}{the name of the CEL file.} } \details{ This function returns the header of a CEL file. Affymetrix operates with different versions of this file format. Depending on what version is being read, different information is accessible. } \value{ A named list with components described below. The entries are obtained from the Fusion SDK interface functions. We try to obtain all relevant information from the file. \item{filename}{the name of the cel file.} \item{version}{the version of the cel file.} \item{cols}{the number of columns on the chip.} \item{rows}{the number of rows on the chip.} \item{total}{the total number of features on the chip. Usually equal to \code{rows} times \code{cols}, but since it is a separate attribute in the SDK we decided to include it anyway.} \item{algorithm}{the algorithm used to create the CEL file.} \item{parameters}{the parameters used in the algorithm. Seems to be semi-colon separated.} \item{chiptype}{the type of the chip.} \item{header}{the entire header of the CEL file. Only available for non-calvin format files.} \item{datheader}{the entire dat header of the CEL file. This contains for example a date.} \item{librarypackage}{the library package name of the file. Empty for older versions.} \item{cellmargin}{a parameter used to generate the CEL file. According to Affymetrix, it designates the number of pixels to ignore around the feature border when calculating the intensity value (the number of pixels ignored are cellmargin divided by 2).} \item{noutliers}{the number of features reported as outliers.} \item{nmasked}{the number of features reported as masked.} } \author{ James Bullard, \email{bullard@stat.berkeley.edu} and Kasper Daniel Hansen, \email{khansen@stat.berkeley.edu} } \note{ Memory usage:the Fusion SDK allocates memory for the entire CEL file, when the file is accessed. The memory footprint of this function will therefore seem to be (rather) large. Speed: CEL files of version 2 (standard text files) needs to be completely read in order to report the number of outliers and masked features. } \seealso{ \code{\link{readCel}()} for reading in the entire CEL file. That function also returns the header. See \code{affxparserInfo} for general comments on the package and the Fusion SDK. } \examples{ # Scan current directory for CEL files files <- list.files(pattern="[.](c|C)(e|E)(l|L)$") if (length(files) > 0) { header <- readCelHeader(files[1]) print(header) rm(header) } # Clean up rm(files) } \keyword{file} \keyword{IO}