\name{readCdfQc} \alias{readCdfQc} \title{Reads the QC units of CDF file} \description{ Reads the QC units of CDF file. } \usage{ readCdfQc(filename, units = NULL, verbose = 0) } \arguments{ \item{filename}{name of the CDF file.} \item{units}{The QC unit indices as a vector of integers. \code{NULL} indicates that all units should be read.} \item{verbose}{how verbose should the output be. 0 means no output, with higher numbers being more verbose.} } \value{ A list with one component for each QC unit. } \author{ Kasper Daniel Hansen, \email{khansen@stat.berkeley.edu} } \seealso{ \code{\link{readCdf}()}. } \keyword{file} \keyword{IO} \keyword{internal}