%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Do not modify this file since it was automatically generated from: % % readCdfGroupNames.R % % by the Rdoc compiler part of the R.oo package. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \name{readCdfGroupNames} \alias{readCdfGroupNames} \title{Reads group names for a set of units (probesets) in an Affymetrix CDF file} \usage{readCdfGroupNames(filename, units=NULL, truncateGroupNames=TRUE, verbose=0)} \description{ Reads group names for a set of units (probesets) in an Affymetrix CDF file. This is for instance useful for SNP arrays where the nucleotides used for the A and B alleles are the same as the group names. } \arguments{ \item{filename}{The filename of the CDF file.} \item{units}{An \code{\link[base]{integer}} \code{\link[base]{vector}} of unit indices specifying which units to be read. If \code{\link[base]{NULL}}, all units are read.} \item{truncateGroupNames}{A \code{\link[base]{logical}} variable indicating whether unit names should be stripped from the beginning of group names.} \item{verbose}{An \code{\link[base]{integer}} specifying the verbose level. If 0, the file is parsed quietly. The higher numbers, the more details.} } \value{ A named \code{\link[base]{list}} structure where the names of the elements are the names of the units read. Each element is a \code{\link[base]{character}} \code{\link[base]{vector}} with group names for the corrsponding unit. } \author{Henrik Bengtsson (\url{http://www.braju.com/R/})} \seealso{ \code{\link{readCdfUnits}}(). } \keyword{file} \keyword{IO}