%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Do not modify this file since it was automatically generated from: % % cdfGtypeCelToPQ.R % % by the Rdoc compiler part of the R.oo package. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \name{cdfGtypeCelToPQ} \alias{cdfGtypeCelToPQ} \title{Function to immitate Affymetrix' gtype\_cel\_to\_pq software} \description{ Function to immitate Affymetrix' gtype\_cel\_to\_pq software. This \code{\link[base]{function}} is design to be used with \code{\link{applyCdfGroups}}() on an Affymetrix Mapping (SNP) CDF \code{\link[base]{list}} structure. } \usage{cdfGtypeCelToPQ(groups, ...)} \arguments{ \item{groups}{A \code{\link[base]{list}} structure with groups.} \item{...}{Not used.} } \value{ Returns a \code{\link[base]{list}} structure with a single group. The fields in this groups are in turn vectors (all of equal length) where the elements are stored as subsequent quartets (PMA, MMA, PMB, MMB) with all forward-strand quartets first followed by all reverse-strand quartets. } \seealso{ \code{\link{applyCdfGroups}}(). } \author{Henrik Bengtsson (\url{http://www.braju.com/R/})} \references{ [1] Affymetrix, \emph{Understanding Genotyping Probe Set Structure}, 2005. \url{http://www.affymetrix.com/support/developer/whitepapers/genotyping_probe_set_structure.affx}\cr } \keyword{programming} \keyword{internal}