%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Do not modify this file since it was automatically generated from: % % cdfAddPlasqTypes.R % % by the Rdoc compiler part of the R.oo package. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \name{cdfAddPlasqTypes} \alias{cdfAddPlasqTypes} \title{Adds the PLASQ types for the probes in a CDF structure} \description{ Adds the PLASQ types for the probes in a CDF structure. This \code{\link[base]{function}} is design to be used with \code{\link{applyCdfGroups}}() on an Affymetrix Mapping (SNP) CDF \code{\link[base]{list}} structure. } \usage{cdfAddPlasqTypes(groups, ...)} \arguments{ \item{groups}{A \code{\link[base]{list}} structure with groups. Each group must contain the fields \code{tbase}, \code{pbase}, and \code{expos}. } \item{...}{Not used.} } \value{ Returns a \code{\link[base]{list}} structure with the same number of groups as the \code{groups} argument. To each group, one fields is added: \item{plasqType}{A \code{\link[base]{vector}} of \code{\link[base]{integer}}s in [0,15].} } \details{ This function identifies the number of nucleotides (bases) in probe sequences that mismatch the the target sequence for allele A and the allele B, as used by PLASQ [1], and adds an integer [0,15] interepreted as one of 16 probe types. In PLASQ these probe types are referred to as: 0=MMoBR, 1=MMoBF, 2=MMcBR, 3=MMcBF, 4=MMoAR, 5=MMoAF, 6=MMcAR, 7=MMcAF, 8=PMoBR, 9=PMoBF, 10=PMcBR, 11=PMcBF, 12=PMoAR, 13=PMoAF, 14=PMcAR, 15=PMcAF.\cr Pseudo rule for finding out the probe-type value:\cr \itemize{ \item PM/MM: For MMs add 0, for PMs add 8. \item A/B: For Bs add 0, for As add 4. \item o/c: For shifted (o) add 0, for centered (c) add 2. \item R/F: For antisense (R) add 0, for sense (F) add 1. } Example: (PM,A,c,R) = 8 + 4 + 2 + 0 = 14 (=PMcAR) } \author{Henrik Bengtsson (\url{http://www.braju.com/R/})} \references{ [1] LaFramboise T, Weir BA, Zhao X, Beroukhim R, Li C, Harrington D, Sellers WR, and Meyerson M. \emph{Allele-specific amplification in cancer revealed by SNP array analysis}, PLoS Computational Biology, Nov 2005, Volume 1, Issue 6, e65.\cr } \keyword{programming} \keyword{internal}