\name{tables} \alias{tables} \alias{tables,XStringSet-method} \title{Summarize XStringSet read frequencies} \description{ This generic summarizes the number of times each sequence occurs in an \code{\link[Biostrings:XStringSet-class]{XStringSet}} instance. } \usage{ tables(x, n=50, ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{An object for which a \code{tables} method is defined.} \item{n}{An \code{integer(1)} value determining how many named sequences will be present in the \code{top} portion of the return value.} \item{\dots}{Additional arguments available to methods} } \details{ Methods of this generic summarize the frequency with which each read occurs, There are two components to the summary. The reads are reported from most common to least common; typically a method parameter controls how many reads to report. Methods also return a pair of vectors describing how many reads were represented 1, 2, ... times. The following methods are defined, in addition to methods described in class-specific documentation: \describe{ \item{tables}{\code{signature(x= "XStringSet", n = 50)}: Apply \code{tables} to the \code{XStringSet} \code{x}.} } } \value{ A list of length two. \item{top}{A named integer vector. Names correspond to sequences. Values are the number of times the corresponding sequence occurs in the \code{XStringSet}. The vector is sorted in decreasing order; methods typically include a parameter specifying the number of sequences to return.} \item{distribution}{a \code{data.frame} with two columns. \code{nOccurrences} is the number of times any particular sequence is represented in the set (1, 2, ...). \code{nReads} is the number of reads with the corresponding occurrence.} } \author{Martin Morgan } \examples{ showMethods("tables") sp <- SolexaPath(system.file("extdata", package="ShortRead")) aln <- readAligned(sp) tables(sread(aln), n=6) xyplot(log10(nReads)~log10(nOccurrences), tables(sread(aln))$distribution) } \keyword{manip}