\name{srapply} \alias{srapply} \title{Apply-like function for distribution across MPI-based clusters.} \description{ This \code{lapply} like function evaluates locally or, if \pkg{Rmpi} or \pkg{multicore} is loaded (and \pkg{Rmpi} workers spawned), across nodes in a cluster. Errors in evaluation of \code{FUN} generate warnings; results are trimmed to exclude results where the error occurs. } \usage{ srapply(X, FUN, ..., fapply = .fapply(), reduce = .reduce(), verbose = FALSE) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{X}{Tasks to be distributed. \code{X} should be an object for which \code{lapply} or \code{sapply} are defined (more precisely, \code{mpi.parLapply}, \code{mpi.parSapply}, or \code{mclapply}). Performance is best when these objects are relatively small, e.g., file names, compared to the work to be done on each by \code{FUN}.} \item{FUN}{A function to be applied to each element of \code{X}. The function must have \code{...} or named argument \code{verbose} in its signature. It is best if it makes no reference to variables other than those in its argument list. or in loaded packages (the \pkg{ShortRead} package is available on remote nodes).} \item{\dots}{Additional arguments, passed to \code{FUN}.} \item{fapply}{An optional argument defining an \code{lapply}-like function to be used in partitioning \code{X}. See details, below.} \item{reduce}{Optional function accepting a list (the result of \code{fapply} and summarizing this. The default reports errors in function evaluation as warnings, returning the remaining values as elements of a list. See details below for additional hints.} \item{verbose}{Report whether evaluation is local or mpi-based; also forwarded to \code{FUN}, allowing detailed reports from remote instances.} } \details{ The default value for \code{fapply} is available with \code{ShortRead:::.fapply()}. It tests first whether \pkg{Rmpi} is loaded and workers spawned, and if not then whether \pkg{multicore} is laoded. If \pkg{Rmpi} is laoded, \code{fapply} ensures that \pkg{ShortRead} is \code{require}d on all workers, and then invokes \code{mpi.parLapply} with arguments \code{X}, \code{FUN}, \code{...}, and \code{verbose}. The function \code{FUN} is wrapped so that errors are returned as objects of class \code{SRError} with type \code{RemoteError}. If no workers are available, the code evaluates \code{FUN} so that errors are reported as with remote evaluation. If \pkg{multicore} is loaded (and \pkg{Rmpi} not), \code{fapply} invokes \code{mclapply} with arguments as for \code{mpi.parLapply}. Custom \code{reduce} functions might be written as \code{reduce=function(lst) unlist(lst, use.names=TRUE)}. } \value{ The returned value depends on the value of \code{reduce}, but by default is a list with elements containing the results of \code{FUN} applied to each of \code{X}. Evaluations resulting in an error have been removed, and a warning generated. } \author{Martin Morgan } \examples{ ## ... or 'verbose' required in argument, srapply(1:10, function(i, ...) i) ## collapse result to vector srapply(1:10, function(i, ...) i, reduce=unlist) x <- srapply(1:10, function(i, ...) { if (runif(1)<.2) stop("oops") else i }) length(x) ## trimmed to exclude errors } \keyword{manip}