\name{readQseq} \alias{readQseq} \alias{readQseq,character-method} \title{Read Solexa qseq files as fastq-style quality scores} \description{ \code{readQseq} reads all files matching \code{pattern} in a directory into a single \code{\linkS4class{ShortReadQ}}-class object. Information on machine, lane, tile, x, and y coordinates, filtering status, and read number are not returned (although filtering status can be used to selectively include reads as described below). } \usage{ readQseq(dirPath, pattern = character(0), ..., as=c("ShortReadQ", "DataFrame", "XDataFrame"), filtered=FALSE, verbose=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{dirPath}{Directory path or other object (e.g., \code{\linkS4class{SolexaPath}}) for which methods are defined.} \item{pattern}{Regular expression matching names of \code{_qseq} files to be summarized.} \item{\dots}{Additional argument, passed to I/O functions.} \item{as}{\code{character(1)} indicating the class of the return type. \dQuote{XDataFrame} is included for backward compatibility, but is no longer supported.} \item{filtered}{\code{logical(1)} indicating whether to include only those reads passing Solexa filtering?} \item{verbose}{\code{logical(1)} indicating whether to report on progress during evaluation.} } \value{ An object of class \code{\linkS4class{ShortReadQ}}. } \author{Martin Morgan } \examples{ fl <- system.file("extdata", package="ShortRead") sp <- SolexaPath(fl) readQseq(sp) } \keyword{manip}