\name{Utilites} \alias{polyn} \title{Utilities for common, simple operations} \description{ These functions perform a variety of simple operations. } \usage{ polyn(nucleotides, n) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{nucleotides}{A character vector with all elements having exactly 1 character, typically from the IUPAC alphabet.} \item{n}{An \code{integer(1)} vector.} } \details{ \code{polyn} returns a character vector with each element having \code{n} characters. Each element contains a single nucleotide. Thus \code{polyn("A", 5)} returns \code{AAAAA}. } \value{ \code{polyn} returns a character vector of length \code{length(nucleotide)} } \author{Martin Morgan } \examples{ polyn(c("A", "N"), 35) } \keyword{manip}