\name{countLines} \alias{countLines} \title{Count lines in all (text) files in a directory whose file name matches a pattern} \description{ \code{countLines} visits all files in a directory path \code{dirPath} whose base (i.e., file) name matches \code{pattern}. Lines in the file are counted as the number of new line characters. } \usage{ countLines(dirPath, pattern=character(0), ..., useFullName=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{dirPath}{A character vector (or other object; see methods defined on this generic) giving the directory path (relative or absolute) of files whose lines are to be counted.} \item{pattern}{The (\code{\link{grep}}-style) pattern describing files whose lines are to be counted. The default (\code{character(0)}) results in line counts for all files in the directory.} \item{...}{Additional arguments, passed internally to list.files. See \code{\link{list.files}}.} \item{useFullName}{A \code{logical(1)} indicating whether elements of the returned vector should be named with the base (file) name (default; \code{useFullName=FALSE}) or the full path name (\code{useFullName=TRUE}).} } \value{ A named integer vector of line counts. Names are paths to the files whose lines have been counted, excluding \code{dirPath}. } \author{Martin Morgan} \examples{ sp <- SolexaPath(system.file('extdata', package='ShortRead')) countLines(analysisPath(sp)) countLines(experimentPath(sp), recursive=TRUE) countLines(experimentPath(sp), recursive=TRUE, useFullName=TRUE) } \keyword{manip}