\name{ShortRead-deprecated} \alias{uniqueFilter} \title{Deprecated functions from the ShortRead package} \description{ These functions are deprecated, and will become defunct. } \usage{ uniqueFilter(withSread=TRUE, .name="UniqueFilter") } \arguments{ \item{withSread}{A \code{logical(1)} indicating whether uniqueness includes the read sequence (\code{withSread=TRUE}) or is based only on chromosome, position, and strand (\code{withSread=FALSE})} \item{.name}{An optional \code{character(1)} object used to over-ride the name applied to default filters.} } \details{ See \code{\link{srFilter}} for details of ShortRead filters. \code{uniqueFilter} selects elements satisfying \code{!srduplicated(x)} when \code{withSread=TRUE}, and \code{!(duplicated(chromosome(x)) & duplicated(position(x)) & duplicated(strand(x)))} when \code{withSread=FALSE}. The behavior when \code{withSread=TRUE} can be obtained with \code{occurrenceFilter(withSread=TRUE)}. The behavior when \code{withSread=FALSE} can be obtained using a custom filter }