\name{recCompSize} \alias{recCompSize} \title{A function that records the relative sizes of complex C-i from one bipartite graph with complex K-j from a different bipartite graph.} \description{ This function takes two bipartite graph matrices, bg1 and bg2. For each complex C-i of bg1, we find the relative size of C-i for every complex K-j of bg2. A matrix of these ratios is returned with all cardinalities of C-i as the numerators and K-j as denominators. A second matrix is calculated where the cardinality of K-j is the numerator and C-i is the denominator. } \usage{ recCompSize(bg1, bg2) } \arguments{ \item{bg1}{The first bipartite graph as an incidence matrix} \item{bg2}{The second bipartite graph as an incidence matrix} } \value{ The return value is a list: \item{OneOverTwo}{The matrix where the cardinalities of complexes from bg1 are numerators.} \item{TwoOverOne}{Matrix where cardinalities of complexes from bg2 are numerators.} } \author{Tony Chiang} \examples{ #go = getGOInfo(wantAllComplexes = FALSE) #goM = createGOMatrix(go) #mips = getMipsInfo(wantSubComplexes = FALSE) #mipsM = createMipsMatrix(mips) #recCompSize(goM, mipsM) } \keyword{datagen}