\name{locScISI} \alias{locScISI} \docType{data} \title{A data file used to estimate the location of the complexes of the ScISI} \description{ This is a three tier-ed list. The top list contains two sub-lists which have either the nucleus GO term or the cytoplasm GO terms as reference. For each sub-list, we have three entries: 1. A matrix indexed by only nuclear proteins in the rows and only non-trivial complexes with respect to the row indices; 2. A matrix with all proteins of the original ScISI indexing the rows, but the same complexes of (1) indexing the columns; 3. a numeric vector with the ratio of the column sums of (1) by the column sums of (2). This is used to derive nuclear protein complexes - those complexes with 75 percent or more of its constituent members belonging to the nucleus. } \usage{data(locScISI)} \format{ The format is: chr "locScISI" } \examples{ data(locScISI) } \keyword{datasets}