\name{compareComplex} \alias{compareComplex} \title{A function to compare two bipartite graph matrices} \description{ The \code{\link{compareComplex}} function takes two bipartite graph matrix representations and calculates three statistics between all pairs of complexes, C-i and K-j: (1) the intersection between C-i and K-j, (2) the proteins in C-i and not in K-j, (3) the proteins in K-j and not in C-i. These stats are later used to calculate Jaccard and Dice-Sorenson Coefficients as well as probability distributions of a protein p in a complex C. } \usage{ compareComplex(BGMat1, BGMat2) } \arguments{ \item{BGMat1}{The first bipartite graph matrix} \item{BGMat2}{The second bipartite graph matrix} } \details{ The main point to remember is that we don't compare complexes within the same matrix. We only compare pairs of complexes from the BGMat1 and BGMat2. The \code{\link{runCompareComplex}} function must be called first since all the labelled vertices present in BGMat1 must be present in the BGMat2 and vice versa so a true comparison can be made. } \value{ A list with the following entries: \item{intersect}{A matrix of pairwise intersections of the complexes of BGMat1 and BGMat2} \item{cminusk}{A matrix of the setdiff of the complexes of BGMat1 and those of BGMat2} \item{kminusc}{A matric of the setdiff of the complexes of BGMat2 and those of BGMat1} } \author{Tony Chiang} \examples{ } \keyword{array} \keyword{datagen}