\name{JaccardCoef} \alias{JaccardCoef} \title{A function to calculate the Jaccard similarity index between two sets} \description{ The JaccardCoef function takes the return values of \code{\link{compareComplex}} function and calculates, for each pair of complexes C-i and K-j (where C-i is in first bipartite graph matrix and K-j is second), the similarity coefficient of Jaccard. } \usage{ JaccardCoef(dataMat) } \arguments{ \item{dataMat}{A list which is the output from \code{\link{compareComplex}}, which is a list of three matrices: intersect, cminusk, and kminusc which are explained in the details.} } \details{ The argument of this function is a list of three matrices all of whom are indexed exactly in the same manner - the rows of each of the matrix is indexed by the complexes, \{C-i\}, of the first bipartite graph, bg1, and the colunms are indexed by the complexes, \{K-j\} of the second bipartite graph, bg2. The first matrix of the list is the intersect matrix, I. The (i,j) entry of I is the cardinality of complex C-i of bg1 and K-j of bg2. The second matrix of the list is the cminusk matrix, Q. The (i,j) entry of Q is the cardinality of the set difference between C-i and K-j. The third matrix of the list is the kminusc matrix, P. The (i,j) entry of P is the cardinality of the set difference between K-j and C-i. The Jaccard Coefficient between two sets (here between two complexes) C-i and K-j is given by the quotient of cardinality(C-i intersect K-j) and cardinality(C-i union K-j). Note that cardinality(C-i intersect K-j) is the (i,j) entry of I, and that cardinality(C-i union K-j) is the sum of the (i,j) entry of I, Q, P. } \value{ The return value is a matrix consisting of the Jaccaard coefficient for each pair of complexes C-i and K-j with rows in indexed by C-i and columns indexed by K-j. } \author{Tony Chiang} \examples{ #go = getGOInfo(wantAllComplexes=FALSE) #mips = getMipsInfo(wantSubComplexes=FALSE) #goM = createGOMatrix(go) #mipsM = createMipsMatrix(mips) #cc = runCompareComplex(mipsM, goM, byWhich = "ROW") #cc$simInd } \keyword{datagen}