\name{getSRAdbFile} \alias{getSRAdbFile} \title{Download and unzip last version of SRAmetadb.sqlite.gz from the server} \description{ This function is the standard method for downloading and unzipping the most recent SRAmetadb SQLite file from the server. } \usage{ getSRAdbFile(destdir = getwd(), destfile = "SRAmetadb.sqlite.gz", method) } \arguments{ \item{destdir}{The destination directory of the downloaded file} \item{destfile}{The filename of the downloaded file. This filename should end in ".gz" as the unzipping assumes that is the case} \item{method}{Character vector of length 1, passed to the identically named argument of \code{\link{download.file}}.} } \value{ Prints some diagnostic information to the screen. Returns the local filename for use later. } \author{ Jack Zhu , Sean Davis } \examples{ \dontrun{geometadbfile <- getSRAdbFile()} }