\name{colDescriptions} \alias{colDescriptions} \title{Get column descriptions of SRAmetadb.sqlite} \description{ Get column descriptions of SRAmetadb.sqlite, including table, field, field data type, description and default values } \usage{ colDescriptions( sra_con ) } \arguments{ \item{sra_con}{Connection of the SRAmetadb SQLite database} } \value{ A seven-column data.frame including table_name, field_name, type, description, value_list. } \author{ Jack Zhu and Sean Davis } \examples{ if(file.exists('SRAmetadb.sqlite')) { library(SRAdb) sra_dbname <- 'SRAmetadb.sqlite' sra_con <- dbConnect(dbDriver("SQLite"), sra_dbname) ## Get column descriptions a <- colDescriptions(sra_con=sra_con)[1:5,] } else { print("use getSRAdbFile() to get a copy of the SRAmetadb.sqlite file and then rerun the example") } } \keyword{ database } \keyword{ SRA } \keyword{ NCBI }