\name{IGVsnapshotDirectory} \alias{IGVsnapshotDirectory} \title{ Set the directory to which IGV will save snapshots. } \description{ Set the directory to which IGV will save snapshots. } \usage{ IGVsnapshotDirectory(dirname = getwd(), port = 60151, host = "localhost") } \arguments{ \item{dirname}{ The directory name as a string that will be used by subsequent calls to IGVsnapshot() for saving the snapshot file. } \item{port}{ The port on which IGV is listening. } \item{host}{ The host on which IGV is running. } } \references{ http://www.broadinstitute.org/igv/PortCommands } \author{ Sean Davis } \seealso{ \code{\link{startIGV}}, \code{\link{IGVsnapshot}} } \examples{ \dontrun{ IGVsnapshotDirectory() IGVsnapshot() dir() } } \keyword{ IO }