\name{summary-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{summary-methods} \alias{summary,SnpSet-method} \alias{summary,AnnotatedSnpSet-method} \alias{summary,oligoSnpSet-method} \alias{summary,eSet-method} \title{Summary statistics for various SNP classes that extend eSet} \description{ Methods for function \code{summary} } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{object = "SnpSet"}{calculates percent homozygous calls, and percent heterozygous calls for each chromosome, and then aggregated over all autosomes.} \item{object = "AnnotatedSnpSet"}{calculates average copy number, standard deviation of copy number, percent homozygous calls, and percent heterozygous calls for each chromosome, and then aggregated over all autosomes.} }} \keyword{methods}