\name{plotCytoband} \alias{plotCytoband} \title{Plots idiogram for one chromosome} \description{ Adds cytobands to views of chromosome copy number and genotype plots. } \usage{ plotCytoband(chromosome, cytoband, cytoband.ycoords, xlim, ylim=c(0, 2), new=TRUE, label.cytoband=TRUE, label.y=NULL, srt, cex.axis=1, outer=FALSE, taper=0.15, verbose=FALSE, build="hg18", ...) } \arguments{ \item{chromosome}{character string or integer: which chromosome to draw the cytoband} \item{cytoband}{data.frame containing cytoband information} \item{cytoband.ycoords}{numeric: y coordinates } \item{xlim}{x-axis limits} \item{ylim}{y-axis limits} \item{new}{logical: new plotting device} \item{label.cytoband}{logical: if TRUE, labels the cytobands} \item{label.y}{numeric: height (y-coordinate) for cytoband label} \item{srt}{string rotation for cytoband labels. See \code{par}} \item{cex.axis}{size of cytoband labels. See par} \item{outer}{logical: whether to draw the labels in the outer margins. See par} \item{taper}{tapering for the ends of the cytoband} \item{verbose}{Logical. If TRUE, displays human genome build used to annotated the cytoband coordinates.} \item{build}{Character string. Currently only "hg18" is allowed.} \item{\dots}{additional arguments to plot} } \author{Robert Scharpf and Jason Ting} \examples{ plotCytoband("1") } \seealso{\code{\link{plotSnp}}, \code{\link{cytoband}}} \keyword{aplot}