\name{getoverlappingregions} \alias{getoverlappingregions} \title{Get the overlapping regions between independent and dependent regions} \description{ Generates a table with overlapping regions. } \usage{ getoverlappingregions(independent_regions, dependent_regions, method = c("union", "overlapping")) } \arguments{ \item{independent_regions}{data.frame().Independent regions found with tab \link{tabulate.top.indep.features}.} \item{dependent_regions}{data.frame().Independent regions found with tab \link{tabulate.top.dep.features}.} \item{method}{method to estimate the overlapping regions, either "union" or "overlapping". \code{overlapping} outputs only the overlapping parts of the overlapping regions. \code{union} outputs the whole region. Say independent region = 1-10, dependent region = 5-12. The output is 1-12.} } \details{ Calculates the overlap between two tables. } \author{Marten Boetzer, Melle Sieswerda, Renee X. de Menezes \email{R.X.Menezes@lumc.nl}} \seealso{ \link{SIM}, \link{tabulate.top.dep.features}, \link{tabulate.top.indep.features}, \link{sim.plot.overlapping.indep.dep.features} } \examples{ #no examples yet! } \keyword{misc}