\name{rsd.test} \alias{rsd.test} \title{Compare two groups with respect to their RSD (CV)} \description{A by row comparison of the Relative Standard Deviation (RSD), asa Coefficient of Variation (CV), is done using a bootstrap} \usage{rsd.test(data1 = x, data2= y, B = NULL)} \arguments{ \item{data1}{A matrix with the samples for group 1 in columns.} \item{data2}{A matrix with the samples for group 2 in columns.} \item{B}{the number of bootstrap iterations. If NULL no bootstrap is performed.} } \value{ A list with the components \item{cv1}{A vector of the RSD's for sample 1} \item{cv2}{A vector of the RSD's for sample 2} \item{t.stat}{the test statistic} \item{p.vals}{A vector of p-values for the comparison between \eqn{cv1} and \eqn{cv2}} } \author{Per Broberg} \references{ Broberg P, Estimation of Relative Standard Deviation,(1999) in \emph{Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy}, Vol 25 no 1 37-43 } \keyword{nonparametric}