\name{one.probeset.per.gene} \alias{one.probeset.per.gene} \title{Select the best probeset per gene} \description{This function takes a vector of probeset identifiers, a vector of gene identifiers and a vector of present rates, and outputs the probeset id per gene that corresponds to the highest present rate.} \usage{one.probeset.per.gene(probeset = probeset, present = present, symbol = symbol)} \arguments{ \item{probeset}{a vector of probeset id's} \item{present}{a vector of present rates} \item{symbol}{a vector of gene symbols} } \author{Per Broberg} \value{A vector of probeset id's.} \details{It is assumed that missing gene symbol is coded as "". Note also that other measurements than present rate may be useful as selection criterion, such some variation measure. The function only assumes that high values are desirable.} \note{Experimental function. Feedback appreciated.} \keyword{multivariate}