\name{mat2TeX} \alias{mat2TeX} \title{Ouput matrix to LaTeX} \description{The function outputs a matrix to a LaTeX table} \usage{mat2TeX(mat, digits = 4, rowNameTitle = "", file = "", roundNum = NULL, rowNameAlign = "l", matAlign = "r", prtHead = TRUE, prtEnd = TRUE, extraTitle = NULL, rowNameCols = 1, append = FALSE)} \arguments{ \item{mat}{a matrix} \item{digits}{number of digits} \item{rowNameTitle}{title above row names} \item{file}{output file} \item{roundNum}{integer indicating the precision} \item{rowNameAlign}{alignment of row names, default is "l"} \item{matAlign}{alignment of columns, default is "r"} \item{prtHead}{if TRUE the begin\{tabular\} line is produced} \item{prtEnd}{if TRUE the end\{tabular\} line is produced} \item{extraTitle}{extra title} \item{rowNameCols}{the row name column, default is 1} \item{append}{if TRUE the output is appended to file, deafult is FALSE} } \author{Juerg Kindermann; code found on R list} \keyword{IO}