\name{makeRedlURI} \alias{makeRedlURI} \title{use the redland librdf system to define a URI object for further processing} \description{ use the redland librdf system to define a URI object for further processing } \usage{ makeRedlURI(uri, w) } \arguments{ \item{uri}{ a character string defining a URI} \item{w}{ a \code{\link{redlWorld}} instance} } \details{ executes C code to create a Redland URI object and returns an instance of the \code{redlURI} S4 class defined in the Rredland package, which includes an external pointer to the Redland object } \value{ an instance of \code{redlURI} } \references{ } \author{Vince Carey } %\note{ } %\seealso{ } \examples{ fi <- system.file("RDF/gopart.rdf", package="Rredland") uu <- makeRedlURI(paste("file:",fi,sep="")) uu } \keyword{ models }