\name{validatePSIMI25} \alias{validatePSIMI25} \title{ Validating PSI-MI 2.5 file with MIF25 XML schema } \description{ The function validates given PSI-MI 2.5 file with MIF25 XML schema provided by the Molecular Interactions Workgroup of HUPO Proteomics Standards Initiative } \usage{ validatePSIMI25(file, schema = system.file("extdata/schemas/MIF25.xsd", package = "RpsiXML"), ignore.stderr = TRUE) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{file}{ The name or the URL of the file to be validated } \item{schema}{ The schema file of PSI-MI 2.5 file format by default } \item{ignore.stderr}{ Whether to print out errors in the console } } \details{ We advice to set "ignore.stderr=FALSE" for the first time of validating. The error number of the file will be printed in the console. When the number is not 0, one can set "ignore.stderr=TRUE" and see the errors produced during the validation. } \value{ The number of errors in validating the file } \references{ libxml2 library \url{http://xmlsoft.org/} PSI-MI 2.5 XML schema \url{http://psidev.sourceforge.net/mi/rel25/src/MIF25.xsd} } \author{ Jitao David Zhang , Tony Chiang } \note{ This function sofar depends on the tool "xmllint" bundled with libxml2 library. We plan to compile it later to run independent of the tool. } \examples{ okFile <- system.file("extdata/psi25files/intact_2008_test.xml", package="RpsiXML") validatePSIMI25(okFile) } \keyword{ models }