\name{translateID-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{translateID-methods} \alias{translateID,psimi25Graph-method} \alias{translateID,psimi25Hypergraph-method} \alias{translateID,psimi25Interactor-method} \alias{translateID,list-method} \title{ Translate interactors into other identifiers } \description{ The method finds any annotation IDs of of \code{\link{psimi25Graph-class}} or \code{\link{psimi25Hypergraph-class}} or \code{\link{psimi25Interactor-class}} } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{r = "psimi25Graph"}{ An object of \code{\link{psimi25Graph-class}}. It replaces the nodes with translated IDs and returns a new psimi25Graph object back.} \item{r = "psimi25Hypergraph"}{ An object of \code{\link{psimi25Hypergraph-class}}. Since the nodes of psimi25Hypergraph are not mutable, this method accepts a UniProt ID of interactors and returns the translated ID back. NA is also acceptable, which can be used to check interactors without mapping to UniProt} \item{r = "list" }{ A list of \code{\link{psimi25Interactor-class}}, returns a vector of translated identifiers back} \item{r = "psimi25Interactor"}{An object of \code{\link{psimi25Interactor-class}}, returns translated identifier. Before using the method it is advisable to used xref(x) method to check which cross references are provided.} }} \keyword{methods} \keyword{models}