\name{getAbstractByPMID} \alias{getAbstractByPMID} \title{A function to obtain the abstract information via a Pubmed ID} \description{ This function takes a character vector of pubmed IDs and returns a list of pubMedAbst objects indexed by each ID. } \usage{ getAbstractByPMID(pmID) } \arguments{ \item{pmID}{ A chacater vector of pubmed IDs} } \value{ A list of pubMedAbst objects. } \author{Tony Chiang} \examples{ xmlDir <- system.file("/extdata/psi25files",package="RpsiXML") intactxml <- file.path(xmlDir, "intact_2008_test.xml") x <- parsePsimi25Interaction(intactxml, INTACT.PSIMI25) y <- interactions(x)[[1]] getAbstractByPMID(pubmedID(y)) } \keyword{ models }