\name{complexName} \alias{complexName} \alias{members} \alias{attributesList} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Accessor functions for complex } \description{ These functions are used to extract useful information of complex in the form of \code{\link{psimi25Complex-class}} object. } \usage{ complexName(x,...) members(x) attributesList(x) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{x}{ An object of \code{\link{psimi25Complex-class}} } \item{...}{Not implemented yet} } \details{ See examples } \value{ \item{complexName}{Returns the name of the complex in characters} \item{members}{A data frame of protein members building the complex and their information} \item{attributesList}{A list of \code{psimi25Attribute} objects, recording the attribute name, name accession and value.} } \author{ Jitao David Zhang , Tony Chiang } \seealso{\code{\link{psimi25Complex-class}}} \examples{ xmlDir <- system.file("/extdata/psi25files",package="RpsiXML") intactComplexxml <- file.path(xmlDir,"intact_complexSample.xml") intactComplexSet <- parsePsimi25Complex(intactComplexxml, INTACT.PSIMI25) complexSample <- complexes(intactComplexSet)[[2]] complexName(complexSample) attributesList(complexSample) members(complexSample) } \keyword{ models }