\name{buildPCHypergraph} \alias{buildPCHypergraph} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Build protein complex hypergraph from PSI-MI 2.5 files} \description{ The protein complexes can be represented by hypergraph models, with proteins as nodes and complexes as hypergraphs. This function builds protein complex hypergraph from one or more PSI-MI 2.5 files (complex mode), with the option to split the dataset by organism name or taxonomy ID of the complexes. } \usage{ buildPCHypergraph(xmlFiles, psimi25source, split.by = c("none", "organismName", "taxId"), ...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{xmlFiles}{ PSI-MI 2.5 files, must be of complex mode. } \item{psimi25source}{ PSI-MI 2.5 source indicator, for example INTACT.PSIMI25 for files from IntAct database} \item{split.by}{ The qualifier to split the dataset, \code{none} specifies not to split the dataset, \code{organismName} and \code{taxId} splits the dataset according to organism name or taxonomy ID respectively. In the case of splitting, the results are a list of hypergraphs indexed by respective split qualifier} \item{\dots}{ other parameters passed to \code{parsePsimi25Complex}} } \details{ See \code{\link{psimi25Hypergraph-class}} for the use of resulting hypergraphs and examples. } \value{ In case the dataset is not split (by setting the option \code{split.by} as \code{none}, the result is a \code{\link{psimi25Hypergraph-class}} object. If the dataset was split, a list of \code{\link{psimi25Hypergraph-class}} is returned, which is indexed by either the organism name or the taxonomy ID. } \author{ Jitao David Zhang } \seealso{ \code{\link{psimi25Hypergraph-class}} for the use of hypergraph objects, \code{\link{separateXMLDataByExpt}} for similar functionality but for interaction mode files} \examples{ xmlDir <- system.file("/extdata/psi25files",package="RpsiXML") intactComplexxml <- file.path(xmlDir,"intact_complexSample.xml") pc2 <- buildPCHypergraph(intactComplexxml, INTACT.PSIMI25,split.by="organismName") pc2[2] complexes(pc2[[2]])[1:3] }