\name{plotRmiRtc} \alias{plotRmiRtc} \title{Plot object from read.mir or a selected gene and respective miRNAs from a miRtcList object} \description{ Ploting function for object coming from read.mir or a selected gene and respective miRNAs from a miRtcList object } \usage{ plotRmiRtc(miRtcObj,gene_id=NULL,timeunit="Time",legend.x=NULL,legend.y=NULL,svgTips=FALSE,svgname=NULL,height=10,width=15) } \arguments{ \item{miRtcObj}{A data.frame resulting from \code{read.mir} or \code{RmiR} functions or a \code{miRtcList-class} object.} \item{gene_id}{Selected \code{gene_id} contained in a \code{miRtcList-class} object.} \item{timeunit}{Name for the abscissae axes, normally a time unit like "Hours", "PD" etc.} \item{legend.x}{Position of the legend in the x-axes.} \item{legend.y}{Position of the legend in the y-axes.} \item{svgTips}{TRUE if you want to use the \code{RSVGTipsDevice}, default is FALSE.} \item{svgname}{Name for the SVG image output.} \item{height}{Height of the graphs.} \item{width}{Width of the graphs.} } \details{ The function plots the trends of a gene target with the specified \code{gene_id} and respective miRNA contained in a \code{miRtcList-class} object. If the \code{miRtcObj} argument is a dataframe coming from \code{read.mir} function, the resulting plot will be a point graph in SVG format. Each couple miRNA/Target is a point, the x value is the gene target expression value and the y value is the microRNA expression value. To decrease the size of the graph is possible to select just the desired miRNAs or gene targets in the data.frame } \seealso{ \code{readRmiRtc},\code{miRtcList} } \examples{ data(RmiR) res1 <- read.mir(genes=gene1, mirna=mir1, annotation="hgug4112a.db") res2 <- read.mir(genes=gene2, mirna=mir2, annotation="hgug4112a.db") res3 <- read.mir(genes=gene3, mirna=mir3, annotation="hgug4112a.db") res_tc <- RmiRtc(timeline=c("res1", "res2", "res3"), timevalue=c(12, 48, 72)) res <- readRmiRtc(res_tc, correlation=-0.9, exprLev=1, annotation="hgug4112a.db") ## List of genes with anti-correlated miRNAs: res$reps ## Plot of the first gene of the list: plotRmiRtc (res, gene_id=351, timeunit="Hours") ## Setting the position of the legend: plotRmiRtc (res,gene_id=351, legend.x=50, legend.y=0, timeunit="Hours") ## Plot with RSVGTipsDevice: plotRmiRtc (res,gene_id=351, legend.x=50, legend.y=0, timeunit="Hours", svgTips=TRUE) ## Plot of a read.mir results: plotRmiRtc (res1, svgname="gene1.svg", svgTips=TRUE) }