\name{cherByThreshold} \alias{cherByThreshold} \title{Function to identify chers based on thresholds} \description{ Given a vector of probe positions on the chromosome, a vector of smoothed intensities on these positions, and a threshold for intensities to indicated enrichment, this function identifies \emph{Cher}s (ChIP-enriched regions) on this chromosome. This function is called by the function \code{findChersOnSmoothed}. } \usage{ cherByThreshold(positions, scores, threshold, distCutOff, minProbesInRow = 3) } \arguments{ \item{positions}{numeric vector of genomic positions of probes} \item{scores}{scores (intensities) of probes on those positions} \item{threshold}{threshold for scores to be called a cher} \item{distCutOff}{maximal positional distance between two probes to be part of the same cher} \item{minProbesInRow}{integer; minimum number of enriched probes required for a cher; see \code{details} for further explanation.} } \value{ A LIST with n components, where the first n components are the cher clusters, each one holding the scores and, as their names, the genomic positions of probes in that cluster. } \details{ Specifying a minimum number of probes for a cher (argument \code{minProbesInRow}) guarantees that a cher is supported by a reasonable number of measurements in probe-sparse regions. For example, if there's only one enriched probe within a certain genomic 1kb region and no other probes can been mapped to that region, this single probe does arguably not provide enough evidence for calling this genomic region enriched. } \author{Joern Toedling} \seealso{\code{\link{findChersOnSmoothed}}} \examples{ ## example with random generated data: rpos <- cumsum(round(runif(200)*5)) rsco <- rnorm(200)+0.2 plot(rpos, rsco, type="l", col="seagreen3", lwd=2) rug(rpos, side=1, lwd=2); abline(h=0, lty=2) rchers <- cherByThreshold(rpos, rsco, threshold=0, distCutOff=2) sapply(rchers[-length(rchers)], function(thisClust){ points(x=as.numeric(names(thisClust)), y=thisClust, type="h", lwd=2, col="gold")}) } \keyword{manip}% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS