\name{dbWriteTable.PgSQL.conn} \alias{dbWriteTable.PgSQL.conn} \title{Write a data frame to a database} \description{ \code{dbWriteTable} writes the contents of a data frame into a PostgreSQL table. } \usage{ \method{dbWriteTable}{PgSQL.conn}(conn, ...) } \arguments{ \item{conn}{A connection object} \item{...}{Other arguments, described in \code{details}} } \details{ Other arguments: \itemize{ \item{data}{A data frame} \item{name}{The table name, defaults to \code{deparse(substitute(data))}} \item{no.clobber}{If true, don't delete existing table of same name, defaults to TRUE} \item{write.row.names}{If true, add an additional column containing row names, defaults to FALSE} } } \references{\url{http://rdbi.sourceforge.net/}} \author{Timothy H. Keitt} \seealso{\code{\link[Rdbi]{dbReadTable}}} \keyword{data}