\name{dbGetResult.PgSQL.result} \alias{dbGetResult.PgSQL.result} \title{Fetch results from a query} \description{ \code{dbGetResult} returns results stored in a result object. } \usage{ \method{dbGetResult}{PgSQL.result}(result, as.matrix) } \arguments{ \item{result}{A result object} \item{as.matrix}{A boolean inicating whether the results will be returned as a matrix} } \details{ Results are returned as a data frame. Some SQL types will be converted to R numeric or logical types. Others will be returned as strings. A generic conversion mechanism is in the works. } \value{ A data frame. } \references{\url{http://rdbi.sourceforge.net/}} \author{Timothy H. Keitt} \seealso{\code{\link[Rdbi]{dbSendQuery}}} \keyword{data}