\name{dbSendQuery} \alias{dbSendQuery} \title{Submits a query string to the database backend} \description{ \code{dbSendQuery} is a generic function that, when called on a valid connection object, pastes is argments into a query string and submits it to the database backend for processing. } \usage{ dbSendQuery(conn, ...) } \arguments{ \item{conn}{A database connection object.} \item{\dots}{Arguments that when pasted together form a query string.} } \details{ Sub-classed \code{dbSendQuery} methods should not fail unless the connection is not valid, in which case an error message should be printed. Information about the query result status can be obtained by dereferencing the returned result object. } \value{ A result object inheriting from "Rdbi.result". You can arrange for the result buffer to be cleared when the result object is garbage collected by registering a finalizer function. See the C code in Rdbi.PgSQL. } \references{\url{http://rdbi.sourceforge.net/}} \author{Timothy H. Keitt} \seealso{\code{\link{dbConnect}}, \code{\link{dbGetResult}}, \code{\link{dbResultInfo}}, \link{methods}, \code{\link{class}}, \code{\link{paste}}} \keyword{methods} \keyword{connection} \keyword{data}