\name{unpackAntScript} \alias{unpackAntScript} \title{Unpack script for building, testing, and installing packages.} \description{ RWebServices includes a number of scripts and files to be used to develop, test, and deploy services. This function unpacks a 'master' script and partly configured properties files to a convenient directory location. } \usage{ unpackAntScript(toDir = stop("specify destination directory for unpacking"), overwrite=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{toDir}{Destination (top-level) directory. Warnings are issued if files already exist.} \item{overwrite}{Overwrite output?} } \value{ This function is used for its side effect. } \author{Martin Morgan } \examples{ \dontrun{unpackAntScript("/tmp/ants")} \dontrun{ ## From the command line echo "library(RWebServices); unpackAntScript('~/tmp/ants')" | R --vanilla } } \keyword{manip}