\name{Test utilities} \alias{checkJava2R} \alias{checkPkgVersion} \alias{reflectObj} \title{Utilities for facilitating data and method tests} \description{ These functions provide utilities that are useful when testing different aspects of R / Java communication. } \usage{ checkJava2R(javaData, rVariable) checkPkgVersion(pkgName, expVersion) reflectObj(x, verbose=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{javaData}{Object translated from Java} \item{rVariable}{R variable containing an instance that is supposed to be identical to \code{javaData}. \code{rVariable} might have been created in previous calls, or loaded from a data file.} \item{pkgName}{Name of package whose version will be determined.} \item{expVersion}{Character string with expected package version.} \item{x}{Object to be returned to Java.} \item{verbose}{Logical, indicating whether R reports information about the object.} } \value{ \code{checkJava2R} returns \code{TRUE} if \code{javaData} is identical to \code{rVariable}, or signals an error otherwise. \code{checkPkgVersion} returns true if the installed package matches the expected package, or signals a warning otherwise. \code{reflectObj} returns the object. } \author{Nianhua Li} \keyword{programming}