\name{getRSessionInfo} \Rdversion{1.1} \alias{getRSessionInfo} \title{ Report R session information in a web-services friendly format. } \description{ This function has TypeInfo applied, and so is mapped as a web service in the org.bioconductor.packages.rservices name space. } \usage{ getRSessionInfo(verbose = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{verbose}{ A \code{logical(1)}, with \code{FALSE} returning a character vector of packages with (for non-base packages) version number appended and \code{TRUE} returning a character vector capturing the output of \code{sessionInfo()}.} } \value{ A character vector containing information on all attached and loaded packages in the current R session. } \author{ Martin Morgan \url{mtmorgan@fhcrc.org} } \examples{ getRSessionInfo(FALSE) } \keyword{manip}