\name{SinkOutput-class} \docType{class} \alias{SinkOutput-class} \title{Results captured by calls to sinkSetup and sinkRetrieve} \description{ Create this class using \code{\link{sinkSetup}} and \code{\link{sinkRetrieve}}. A typical use is to wrap function evalutation calls in such a way as to redirect screen output to character variables. } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{stdout}}{Vector of type character containg each line of output destined for the 'console', excepting error and warning messages. Each element in the vector is a 'line' of string output, as determined by R.} \item{\code{stderr}:}{As with stdout, but captureing warning and error messages} } } \author{MT Morgan } \seealso{\code{link{sinkSetup}}, \code{\link{sinkRetrieve}}} \examples{ library(RWebServices) sinkSetup() ls() try( fails()) f <- function() stop("fails in function f") try( f()) sinkRetrieve() } \keyword{classes}