\name{FileReferences} \alias{FileReferences} \alias{urls} \alias{localNames} \alias{types} \alias{length,FileReferences-method} \title{FileReferences constructor and accessors} \description{ Functions for creating and manipulating FileRefences-class objects. } \usage{ FileReferences(urls = character(), localNames = basename(urls), types = character(length(urls)), ...) urls(object, ...) localNames(object, ...) types(object, ...) \S4method{length}{FileReferences}(x) } \arguments{ \item{urls}{A character vector of urls of the files to be referenced. The urls are the actual locations of the files.} \item{localNames}{A (optional) character vector of local names of the files to be references. Local names are the names used to refer to the files internally, e.g., by functions wanting to use file names as a label for data frame rows. The length of the local names argument must match that of the urls; the default is to take the file name portion of the url as the local name.} \item{types}{A (optional) character vector of length equal to that of the urls, containing the type each file represents. Type might normally come from a controlled vocabulary; the default is a length zero character string, reprsenting an unspecified type.} \item{object}{An object of class \code{FileReferences}, form which urls, local names, or types are to be extracted.} \item{x}{An object of class \code{FileReferences}, form which the length (number of file references) is to be determined.} \item{\dots}{Additional arguments, passed to the class initializaation method or (currently) ignored by the accessors.} } \value{ \item{FileReferences}{Object of class \code{\linkS4class{FileReferences}}.} \item{urls, localNames, types}{character vector of urls, local names, or file types.} \item{length}{integer scalar of the number of references in the object.} } \author{Martin Morgan \url{mtmorgan@fhcrc.org}} \seealso{\code{\linkS4class{FileReferences}-class}} \examples{ obj <- FileReferences(c("/foo/bar", "/foo/baz"), type=rep("CEL", 2)) localNames(obj) length(obj) } \keyword{manip}