\name{spectramaxImport} \alias{spectramaxImport} \title{ Import output files from Spectramax spectrophotometer } \description{ Import output files from Spectramax spectrophotometer (plate reader) into the list format compatible with the cellHTS2 package. } \usage{ spectramaxImport(file, encoding="latin1") } \arguments{ \item{file}{A Spectramax file} \item{encoding}{File character encoding, by default \dQuote{latin1}} } \details{ The function imports output files from Spectramax plate reader, with which single-channel cell-based assays could be performed. Such assay includes WST-1 viability assay, which can be used to validate RTCA assay results. } \value{ A list of two items: one data frame (no name) and one character vector (\emph{txt}). The data frame contains following columns: \item{well}{Well indices ([A-Z][0-9][0-9] format) on the microtitre plate} \item{val}{Value of each well} The character vector \emph{txt} contains a copy of the file contents. } \author{ Jitao David Zhang } \seealso{ cellHTS2 package documentation. } \examples{ wstFiles <- dir(system.file("extdata", package="RTCA"), pattern="^WST.*csv$", full.names=TRUE) spectramaxImport(wstFiles[1]) ## NOT RUN ## spectramaxImport also supports multiple files, in which case the ## result is a list of individual lists spectramaxImport(wstFiles) ## END NOT RUN }