\name{set.priors} \Rdversion{1.1} \alias{set.priors} \title{Set prior parameter object for RPA.} \description{Reset some of the existing priors, or create a template of priors for the whole data.} \usage{set.priors(abatch, set, alpha, beta, priors = NULL, alpha.template = 1e-6, beta.template = 1e-6)} \arguments{ \item{abatch }{An AffyBatch object.} \item{set }{Probeset where priors are to be determined.} \item{alpha, beta }{Vectors giving the values for the probe-wise prior parameters.} \item{priors }{Optional. Existing prior to be modified.} \item{alpha.template, beta.template }{Scalars. Can be used to define the default prior values for the whole-data prior template.} } \details{The method returns a prior object that specifies probe-wise priors for the whole data set. By default, it sets non-informative priors for all probes, except those specified by the parameters 'set', 'alpha' and 'beta'. If a prior object is given in the input, then only the values for the specified probeset ('set') will be modified.} \value{An instance of 'rpa.priors' class.} \references{Probabilistic Analysis of Probe Reliability in Differential Gene Expression Studies with Short Oligonucleotide Arrays. Lahti et al., TCBB/IEEE, to appear. See http://www.cis.hut.fi/projects/mi/software/RPA/} \author{Leo Lahti } \examples{ require(affy) require(affydata) data(Dilution) # Create a prior object with specific alpha, beta for one probeset alpha <- beta <- rep(1, 16) alpha[[5]] <- 3; beta[[5]] <- 1 priors <- set.priors(Dilution, set = "1000_at", alpha, beta) ## Run RPA using the predefined priors # rpa.results <- RPA.pointestimate(Dilution, set, priors = priors) } \keyword{ methods }