\name{compareHits} \alias{compareHits} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Searching for common hits between different scoring methods } \description{ Searches for common hits between different scoring methods. } \usage{ compareHits(hitVec1, hitVec2, namesHitVec1, namesHitVec2) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{hitVec1, hitVec2}{ the two binary hit vectors to be compared } \item{namesHitVec1, namesHitVec2}{ the names of the siRNAs corresponding to the hit vectors } } \value{ Returns a character vector indicating which siRNAs are identified as hits in two different hit scoring schemes. } \seealso{ \code{\link{vennDiag}} , \code{\link{Ttest}}, \code{\link{MannWhitney}} } \examples{ data(scoredDataset1, package="RNAither") data(pValVec1, package="RNAither") data(scoredDataset2, package="RNAither") data(pValVec2, package="RNAither") ##for details on the generation of pValVec and scoredDataset, ##see the examples of the functions Ttest and MannWhitney linked above. scoredHits1 <- hitselectionPval(scoredDataset1, pValVec1, "SigIntensity", "Hits1", 0.05, "GeneName", "pvalue_testfile1.txt") scoredHits2 <- hitselectionPval(scoredDataset2, pValVec2, "SigIntensity", "Hits2", 0.05, "GeneName", "pvalue_testfile2.txt") hitVector1 <- scoredHits1[[2]] hitVector2 <- scoredHits2[[2]] common_hits <- compareHits(hitVector1, hitVector2, names(hitVector1), names(hitVector2)) } \keyword{ arith }