\name{getQTypeDescription} \alias{getQTypeDescription} \title{Retrieves description of a QuantitationType} \description{This function retrieves the description of a QuantitationType.} \usage{getQTypeDescription( mageOM = NULL, QTypeID = "" )} \arguments{ \item{mageOM}{R reference to MAGE Object Model} \item{QTypeID}{ID of QuantitationType} } \references{Spellman PT, Miller M, Stewart J, Troup C, Sarkans U, Chervitz S, Bernhart D, Sherlock G, Ball C, Lepage M, Swiatek M, Marks WL, Goncalves J, Markel S, Iordan D, Shojatalab M, Pizarro A, White J, Hubley R, Deutsch E, Senger M, Aronow BJ, Robinson A, Bassett D, Stoeckert CJ Jr and Brazma A. Design and implementation of microarray gene expression markup language (MAGE-ML). Genome Biol. 2002 Aug 23;3(9):RESEARCH0046. } \author{Steffen Durinck, \url{http://www.esat.kuleuven.ac.be/~sdurinck}\cr Joke Allemeersch, \url{http://www.esat.kuleuven.ac.be/~jallemee}.} \seealso{\code{\link{importMAGEOM}},\code{\link{getQuantitationTypes}}} \examples{ if(interactive()){ data <- system.file( "MAGEMLdata", package = "RMAGEML" ) mageom <- importMAGEOM( directory = data ) QTypes <- getQuantitationTypes( mageOM = mageom ) getQTypeDescription( mageOM = mageom , QTypeID = QTypes[1] ) } } \keyword{methods}