\name{plot_theta} \alias{plot_theta} \title{Allele Summary Plot} \description{ Creates an Allele Summary plot (allele B vs. allele A) for each SNP specified in snpsfilename. The points in the plot are the (theta A, theta B) ordered pairs for all the samples of the SNP. If a plotfilename is specified, it will save the plot as a .ps file, otherwise the plot is shown on screen. } \usage{ plot_theta(genotypefile = "Xba.rlmm", thetafile = "Xba.theta", Pick.Obj = "FALSE", plotfile = "plots.ps", snpsfile = "snps.lst") } \arguments{ \item{genotypefile}{Character string specifying the directory AND name of the .rlmm file created by \code{Classify} (optional)} \item{thetafile}{Character string specifying the directory AND name of the .rlmm file created by \code{Create_Thetafile} (optional)} \item{Pick.Obj}{At this point, it should always be left as the default FALSE, ie: it is for development purposes only (optional)} \item{plotfile}{The name where to store the plot as a .ps file, if blank such as "", it will display on screen instead (optional)} \item{snpsfile}{A list of SNPs to plot, with one SNP following another on a newline (optional)} } \author{Nusrat Rabbee , Gary Wong } \keyword{hplot}