\name{create_Thetafile} \alias{create_Thetafile} \title{Calculating Parameter Estimates} \description{ Assuming that the *.norm files are created, this step of the data analysis will calculate estimates of theta A and theta B values for each SNP and chip based on normalized probe intensity data from the *.norm files. The theta values are produced from fitting a probe-level additive model to the log2 A probe intensities and the B intensities separately. } \usage{ create_Thetafile(probefiledir = getwd(), start = 1, end = -1, thetafile = "") } \arguments{ \item{probefiledir}{Character string specifying the directory with the *.norm files (optional)} \item{start}{An integer value specifying which SNP number we should start at when calculating the theta values (optional)} \item{end}{An integer value specifying which SNP number we should stop at when calculating the theta values (optional)} \item{thetafile}{A character string specifying the name the theta file will be saved as (optional)} } \author{Nusrat Rabbee , Gary Wong } \keyword{methods}