\name{simpleRand} \alias{simpleRand} \title{ A simple interface to C level random number generation. } \description{ A simple interface function to R's C level rng code. Primarily a pedagogical tool to accompany the monograph R for Bioinformatics. } \usage{ simpleRand(x, y = "notused") } \arguments{ \item{x}{ The number of random numbers to generate. } \item{y}{ Not used in the base implementation, but various exercises involve making use of this. } } \details{ An interface, via \code{\link{.Call}} to R's underlying RNG cod. } \value{ The random numbers generated, plus information about the RNG used. } \author{ R. Gentleman } \seealso{ \code{\link{simpleSort}}, \code{\link{.Call}} } \examples{ simpleRand(4) } \keyword{ manip }