\name{classList2Graph} \alias{classList2Graph} \alias{class2Graph} \title{Functions to produce graphs from S4 class definitions } \description{ Given either a list of classes, or a single class, these functions produce a graph, with the classes as nodes and edges representing subclass/superclass relationships. } \usage{ classList2Graph(class, fullNames=TRUE) class2Graph(class, fullNames=TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{class}{Either the name of a single class, \code{class2Graph}, or the names of classes, \code{classList2Graph} } \item{fullNames}{Indicates whether to use fully qualified (by package) names for the class.} } \details{ Edges are directed, and go from superclasses to subclasses (more specialized to less specialized). } \value{ A graph, typically an instance of the \code{graphNEL} class. } \author{R. Gentleman } \examples{ graphClasses = getClasses("package:graph") classList2Graph(graphClasses) }