\name{spearman.rstat} \Rdversion{2.9.0} \alias{spearman.rstat} \title{ Function to Calculate Spearman Correlation Statistics } \description{ A function to calculate Spearman rank correlation of each gene in an array data with a continuous variable } \usage{ spearman.rstat(Y, x, strat = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{Y}{ a numeric data frame. Each row gives values of one genomic variable. } \item{x}{ a vector of continuous variable. } \item{strat}{ a vector of stratum to calculate stratified correlation statistics, default = NULL. } } \value{ Return a vector of Spearman rank correlation statistics. } \references{ Spearman C. (1904) The proof and measurement of association between two things. Amer. J. Psychol. 15: 72-101 } \author{ Stan Pounds \email{stanley.pounds@stjude.org}; Xueyuan Cao \email{xueyuan.cao@stjude.org} } \seealso{ \code{\link{PROMISE}} } \examples{ ## load sampExprSet. data(sampExprSet) ## extract expression matrix from sampExprSet Y <- exprs(sampExprSet) ## extract end point data from sampExprSet x <- pData(phenoData(sampExprSet))$drugLevel strat <- pData(phenoData(sampExprSet))$strat ## Calculte Spearman correlation statistics test <- spearman.rstat(Y, x, strat = strat) } \keyword{univar}