\name{jung.rstat} \alias{jung.rstat} \Rdversion{2.9.0} \title{Function to Compute Jung's Statistics } \description{ Compute statistic that measures the correlation of many continuous variables with a censored time-to-event variable } \usage{ jung.rstat(x, time.cens, strat = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ a data frame with row corresponding to probe set and column corresponding to subjects, the order of columns (subjects) should match the order of rows in \emph{time.cens}. } \item{time.cens}{ a data frame with number of row equal to number of column in \emph{x}. It contains two columns with first for time and second for censor (1 = event, 0 = censored). } \item{strat}{ a vector of stratum to calculate stratified r-type association statistics, default = NULL. } } \value{ Returns a vector of Jun's r-type association statistics. } \references{ Jung SH, Owzar K, and George SL (2005) A multiple testing procedure to associate gene expression levels with survival. Stat Med 24:3077-88 } \author{ Stan Pounds \email{stanley.pounds@stjude.org}; Xueyuan Cao \email{xueyuan.cao@stjude.org} } \note{ The order of subjects in \emph{x} (column), \emph{time.cens}, and \emph{strat} should all match. The original statistic proposed by Jung, Owzar, and George can be written as a dot-product. The statistic returned by this routine is expressed in the form of a correlation statistic by dividing the dot product by the square root of the lengths of the two vectors in the numerator. } \seealso{ \code{\link{PROMISE}} } \examples{ ## load sampExprSet. data(sampExprSet) ## extract expression matrix from sampExprSet Y <- exprs(sampExprSet) ## extract end point data from sampExprSet time.cens <-pData(phenoData(sampExprSet))[, 3:4] strat <- pData(phenoData(sampExprSet))$strat ## compute Jung's r-type association statistics jungstat <- jung.rstat(Y, time.cens, strat = strat) } \keyword{survival}